Lot 48 - The Canyons

TBD Ridgeline Road, Fredericksburg, Gillespie County

Lot 48 - The Canyons

DESCRIPTION: 5.23-acre Platted Lot in The Canyons. Mix of Open Prairie and Wooded land. Perfect for a dream home or a weekend getaway.

LOCATION: Located on the East side of Ridgeline Road just off Schneider Moellering Road near Fredericksburg. Regionally Situated between Austin and San Antonio.

UTILITIES: Underground Water Wells in the Neighboring Area are Between 270’-350’ of depth. Underground Electric.

ROAD FRONT/ACCESS: 301’ of Road Frontage along Ridgeline Road. Easy access back to US-87.

TOPOGRAPHY: Gentle Slope from 2,040' to 1,960’ above Sea Level with 1% - 8% slopes.

HYDROLOGY: The property backs up to a tributary of Bernst Creek.

SOILS: Mix of Brackett-Tarrant and Tarrant soils.

SCHOOL: Fredericksburg ISD.

RESTRICTIONS: Residential Use Only; 1,600 Sq.Ft. Minimum Primary Residence, 800sf Minimum Guest House; No Commercial Feed Lots; No Junk Yards; No Hunting or Shooting. Short-term rentals allowed.

TAX: Agricultural Exemption in Place for Low Taxes. Approx. $5.73 in 2022. Get the benefits of an Ag Exemption without the Hassle of Owning/Managing Livestock through the Grazing Association.

PRICE: $289,000.

DIRECTIONS: From RM 2323 go East on Schneider Moellering Road, then turn North into the subdivision on Longview Drive, through the gate and head East onto Canyon Drive to Ridgeline Road. Property on the Right(East).


Subdivision Plat

Contact Agent

Jeremy Jirasek