Cyclone Branch Farm
TBD Hwy 53, Temple, Bell County, TX 76501
DESCRIPTION: ±57.192 Acre Farm. Will Divide into Two ±28.596 acre “ranchettes”. Mostly open with a few trees around a pond on tract #1. A small seasonal creek (Cyclone Branch) bisects the property. Currently leased and in row crop production.
LOCATION: Just North of the intersection of Hwy 53 and FM 485. Just West of the intersection of Hwy 53 & N Elm Loop. 10 Miles East of Loop 363 in Temple.
UTILITIES: East Bell WSC & O.H. Electric along road.
TOPOGRAPHY: Gently slopes into Cyclone Branch. Elevations range from 500’-480’ above sea level with 1 - 3% slopes.
SOIL: Mix of Heiden Clay & Tinn Clay soils.
HYDROLOGY: Cyclone Branch bisects the property. Land along Cyclone Branch is partially within the 100-year flood zone. There is a ±0.81 acre pond located at the North of tract #1.
ZONING: N/A; Outside City Limits.
RESTRICTIONS: No junk yards or hog farms.
TAX: Ag Exempt.
PRICE: Tract #1: $402,746 ($14,084/acre). Tract #2: $386,732 ($13,524/acre). Whole Property: $729,198 ($12,750/acre).
DIRECTIONS: From Loop 363 in Temple go East on Hwy 53 approx. 10-miles. Stay left at intersection of 53 & FM 485. Property on the Left (West) side of Hwy 53 just before N Elm Loop. Signs on property. Call for showing.
Contact Agent
David Jirasek, ALC, CCIM