Multi-Family Development Site
2600 West Avenue G, Temple, Bell County
DESCRIPTION: ±11.229 Acre Redevelopment Opportunity Available For Sale.
LOCATION: NWC of 49th and Ave G with additional access on 51st & 53rd. Potential Access off of 57th Street with Extension. Just North of IH-35, between Loop 363 & West Adams in Temple, Bell County, Texas. Regionally situated between Austin & Waco along the IH-35 portion of the Texas Triangle.
LAND USE: Multi-Family.
ZONING: Recently Rezoned to MF-2 PD. No Overlay District Present. FLUP shows Regional Commercial.
UTILITIES: Public Utilities On-Site. 12" Water along West Ave G; 10" City Sewer on-Site. Oncor O.H. Electric on-Site.
TOPOGRPAHY: Previously Developed. Gradual Slope towards Railroad at Rear.
REMARKS: Architectural, Engineering & Environmental Reports On-File. Great Views of Lake Polk and Sammons Golf Course.
TAXES: $7,827.52 (2024).
PRICE: $1,700,000 ($3.47/sf).
Contact Agent
Jeremy Jirasek, ALC