2.95 Acre Retail Site
IH-35 & S 51st/49th Street, Temple, Bell County, TX
DESCRIPTION: ±2.957 Acre Retail/Mixed-Use Development Site on IH-35 & S 51st Street, Temple.
LAND USE: Retail, Restaurant / QSR, Hospitality, Mixed-Use.
ACCESS: Road Frontage on Four Sides: S General Bruce, S 49th, S 51st, W Ave G. Two Points of Access on S 49th Street.
UTILITIES: Public Utilities on-Site. City of Temple Water on 4-Sides & Sewer on 3-Sides; Oncor Electric on-Site.
TOPOGRAPHY: Previously Developed Site. Small Slope towards IH-35. Partial Asphalt Ground Cover.
ZONING: Part C-Commercial, part LI-Light Industrial. Future Land Use shows Regional Commercial. IH-35 Retail Overlay District.
REMARKS: Will Consider Dividing. Adjacent ±11.23 acres also available for sale. Call for details.
PRICE: $1,400,000 ($10.87/sf).
Contact Agent
Jeremy Jirasek, ALC