25+ Acres, Ward’s Place

FM 485 & Milam Road, Burlington, Bell County, TX 76519

DESCRIPTION:  ±25.38 acre property in East Bell County.  Mix of Cultivated and Native Land. There is a pond, 50’x80’ metal shop on concrete slab and 6,160 Sq.Ft. wood frame barn. A portion of the property has been platted into two lots.

LOCATION: Located at the intersection of FM 485 and Milam Road. Situated Locally between the communities of Meeks and Yarrelton, and Regionally between Temple and Bryan College Station. Part of the Central Blackland Prairie Region of Texas.

LAND COVER:  ±9.68 Acres of Cultivated Row Crop Land. Remainder of property is Brushy/Lightly Wooded Native Land.

HYDROLOGY:  There is a ±0.5 Acre Pond. The Property appears to be partially within the 100-year FEMA Flood Zone (±0.44 acres). 

TOPOGRAPHY:  Flat to Gently Sloping with over ±20' of Elevation Changes from ±450' to 430' above Sea Level with ±1% - 15% slopes. 

SOILS:  Mix of Soils including, Houston Black Clay and Heiden-Ferris Complex with an average capability rating of 2.27.

UTILITIES:  Overhead Electric Lines running along Milam Road frontage. There is one Co-op water meter in place.

ROAD FRONTAGE:  State Maintained Highway Frontage along FM 485. County Maintained Gravel Road Frontage along Milam Road. Easy Access back to TX-53.

SCHOOL:  Rogers ISD.

TAX:  Partially Ag Exempt. $3,981.38 in 2023 Property Taxes.

COMMENTS: Ag Lease in Place through 12-31-2024.

PRICE: $350,000. ($13,790/acre).

Contact Agent

David Jirasek, ALC, CCIM