Horse Creek Ranch
FM 107, Moody, Coryell County
DESCRIPTION: ±22.443 acres of mostly open native pasture land. Fenced on all sides with mix of net wire and barbed wire fences.
LOCATION: Located on FM 107 between Gatesville and Moody in Coryell County. Centrally Located in Texas Regionally between Austin and Waco. Part of the Central Blackland Prairie Region of Texas.
IMPROVEMENTS: There is a small building used for storage on-site with electric.
LAND COVER: Mostly Open Native Pasture Land. There are a few scattered trees around the property and a heavy tree line along the Western boundary of the property.
HYDROLOGY: The Property appear to have a very small section within the FEMA Flood Zone (±0.17 Acres).
TOPOGRAPHY: Mostly Flat to Gently Sloping with over ±30' of Elevation Changes from ±730' to 700' above Sea Level with ±0% - 4% slopes.
SOILS: Mix of Soils including, Bolar Gravelly Clay Loam, Denton Silty Clay and Slidell Silty Clay, with an average capability rating of 3.
UTILITIES: Overhead Electric Lines on-Site (Heart of Texas Coop). Two Elm Creek WSC water meters on-site.
ROAD FRONTAGE: ±656’ of State Maintained Farm-to-Market Highway Frontage along FM 107. Easy Access to Hwy 317.
TAX: Agricultural Exemption in Place for Low Taxes. Estimated $140 in 2023.
COMMENTS: Cattle on property, gate is locked, call for appointment, please. HOA Restrictions in place.
PRICE: $330,025 ($14,705/acre).
Contact Agent
Jeremy Jirasek