Midtown Redevelopment

1204 W Ave H, Temple, Bell County

DESCRIPTION: ±14,000sf (0.32 Acre) Redevelopment Opportunity Available For Sale. 

LOCATION:  NWC of West Avenue H (Major Arterial) and South 23rd Street. Just East of 31st Street. In Temple, Bell County, Texas.  Regionally situated between Austin & Waco along the IH-35 portion of the Texas Triangle.

LAND USE:  Commercial-Retail.

ZONING:  GR-General Retail.  No Overlay District Present. FLUP shows Urban Residential.

UTILITIES: Public Utilities On-Site.  6" City Gravity Main Sewer in Alleyway.  Oncor Single Phase O.H. Electric along South 23rd Street.

TOPOGRPAHY: Previously Developed. 

TAXES:  $900.28 (2024).

PRICE:  $200,000 ($14.29/sf).

Contact Agent

David Jirasek, ALC, CCIM