Mixed-Use Development Site

1120 South 1st Street, Temple, Bell County, TX 76501


Description:  ±0.3788 acres (±16,500 Sq.Ft.) infill mixed-use development site.

Land Use:  Ideal for vertical mixed-use project.

Location:  Located on South 1st Street in Temple, Bell County, TX.  Locally between Downtown Temple to the North and the TMED District to the South. Regionally between Austin & Waco.  Temple is part of the Texas “Golden Triangle”.

Frontage: ±150' of Frontage along South 1st Street (Major Arterial) and ±110’ along West Avenue L.

Zoning:  GR-PD (General Retail - Planned Development).  Within the 1st & 3rd Overlay District.

Utilities:  City of Temple Water (1.5") at South 1st Street.  City of Temple Sewer (4”) along alleyway.  O.H. Electric (Oncor/3-Phase) along Alleyway. 

Demographics: 85,000 Population (5-Mi); $59,000 Median Income (5-Mi).

Topography:  Flat, previously developed lot.

Price: $115,500 ($7/SF).

Proposed Site Plan & Elevations

PD Ordinance

Contact Agent

David Jirasek, ALC, CCIM